Elite Education is dedicated to delivering the best thinking skills and mathematic reasoning tutoring courses for Opportunity Classes and Selective Replacement Tests.

All courses are closely following the Cambridge curriculums and each question in homework and quiz is well designed to test students' comprehension of the knowledge and skills they need to equip.

All teachers are passionate, focusing, and responsible to deliver the best tutoring for every single student.

Welcome to Elite Education

"We are what we repeatedly do. 

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

- Aristotle

Thinking Skills

Teaching students from Term 3 year 4 to Term 1 Year 6 for thinking skills, staged with Opportunity and Selective tests. The goal is not only for good results from tests, but equip students with ability to thinking independently to cope with the changing world.

Math Reasoning

Synchronizing with math curriculum to deliver the course for student to have solid and systematic knowledge, also essential math reasoning ability.

Reading Comprehension

Focus on the essential reading skills and tactics to answer reading questions. Maximumly increase the performance in reading test.

Hi, I’m Rex

I am a thinking skills tutor in Elite Education. I have been teaching thinking skills for 5 years, helping hundreds of students to go to their dream school. Glad to meet you soon in my class.


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